- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: game will freeze in second level
In level 2, this game sets the scanline counter to 0 and expects the interrupt to be triggered on every scanline. This is not a conventional MMC3 mapper behaviour because normally if game does so, the interrupt will be triggered only on the next scanline. Here is a patched version of game that fixes that behaviour
Fix: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 (U) [C000 fix].nes - Karnov: Game has wrong graphics during scroll
This game was physically released as mapper #206, which is MMC3's precedessor, that has no mirroring control register. Publicly available ROM has assigned MMC3, which is wrong. Special routine was added to set MMC3's mirroring register to correct value
Fix: Karnov (U) [converted to MMC3].nes - Tetris 2: Totally wrong graphics
Game declares only 2 CHR banks but tries to use banks 2,3. CHR-data was mirrored once so all CHR banks 0,1,2,3 can be now accessed safelly.
Fix: Tetris (Unl) (U)[fix].nes - Abarenbou Tengu (Zombie Nation): Totally wrong graphics
Game declares only 2 CHR banks but tries to use banks 2,3. CHR-data was mirrored once so all CHR banks 0,1,2,3 can be now accessed safelly.
Fix: Abarenbou Tengu (Zombie Nation) (J) [chr fix].nes - Captain Tsubasa Vol 2 - Super Striker: Totally wrong graphics
Game declares only 2 CHR banks but tries to use banks 2,3. CHR-data was mirrored once so all CHR banks 0,1,2,3 can be now accessed safelly.
Fix: Captain Tsubasa Vol 2 - Super Striker (J) [chr fix].nes - Noah's Ark (E): Totally wrong graphics
Game declares only 2 CHR banks but tries to use banks 2,3. CHR-data was mirrored once so all CHR banks 0,1,2,3 can be now accessed safelly.
Fix: Noah's Ark (E) [chr fix].nes - Zombie Nation: Totally wrong graphics
Game declares only 2 CHR banks but tries to use banks 2,3. CHR-data was mirrored once so all CHR banks 0,1,2,3 can be now accessed safelly.
Fix: Zombie Nation (U) [chr fix].nes - 168 in 1: Game not supportes
Some dumps of this game has incorrect mapper number assigned (#169), causing it to be not supported by krzysioCart. Fixing mapper number solves problem
Fix: 168.in.1.-.NES.[REL.BY.DR00iD88].nes - Pac-Mania: Totally wrong graphics
Game declares only 4 CHR banks but tries to use banks past 4th. CHR-data was mirrored once so all CHR banks 0,1,2,3 can be now accessed safelly.
Fix: Pac-Mania [chr fix].nes