KrzysioCart Fami (60 pin) / KrzysioCart NES (72 pin)
- Compatible with over 82% of official NES games (and many more homebrew, hacks, translations) - supported mappers:
- #0 NROM
- #1 MMC1
- #2 UNROM
- #3 CNROM
- #4 MMC3
- #7 ANROM
- #15 Contra Function (Contra 168-in-1 / Contra 100-in-1 multicart)
- #30 UNROM-512 (nesmaker games)
- #71 Camerica Codemasters' games
- #232 Camerica Quattro
- Full list of supported official games
- Compatible with almost every console (both old vintage & currently produced ones)
- Very low current consumption, ideal for hand-held consoles
- Contains battery backed-up RAM memory that keeps your savestates (after power up they are transferred onto micro-sd card so every game has independent save state)
- Proffesional 1.2mm PCB with golden plated edge connectors & bevelled edge that keep your console slot in good condition
- Conttains 3.3V - 5V voltage translation buffers - perfectly safe for your console.
- Comes with micro sd memory card & USB card reader - all that you need to start playing after unboxing!
- NES version comes with CIC - will work in ANY regional version of your console.
- Shell color can be chosen - check availability: HERE
- Every cartridge is manufactured, tested, packed and sent by me! By buying it, you support hobbyist who is already working on many other genius projects!.
Where to buy:
- Allegro (mainly for polish customers):
- Ebay (for anyone, worldwide shipping free):
- Direct payment
Don't want to lose money for transaction frees, provisions, etc? Contact me so I will send you details for direct payment (PayPal, bank transfer, western union) - that way you will get it even with 15% discount compared to the above prices!
Write to me: krzysiocart [at] gmail [dot] com
Reviews & technical details:
Still not sure if want to get it? Check those photos!
Instruction manual
Check here
Fixes for some games that do not work properly
Check here
Have more questions?:
Write to me: krzysiocart [at] gmail [dot] com